How To Turn Your Money Life Around


If you've tried and failed to change your personal finances, this book is a godsend. How To Turn Your Money Life Around: The Money Book for Women offers hope, challenging insights, and money-management tools for those who either can't seem to get a fix on their finances or are too frightened by the financial world to even try.
In this powerful and probing book, Ruth Hayden says the time has come to put an end to passivity about your pain and frustration related to money. The first section of How To Turn Your Money Life Around explores the emotional and financial consequences of your early training about money. This section helps you to say, "I must change." The second section asks what are you willing to do to change and then teaches new skills to make the changes. This section helps you say, "I can change."
This life-altering book provides support and accountability as you write a self-contract that includes five rules and five agreements. If you follow these rules and agreements, it won't be long before you realize, "My money life is really working!"
How To Turn Your Money Life Around is based on the "Women and Money" classes Ruth has taught for years. These classes are always full because more and more women are making a personal issue out of their personal finances. They, like you perhaps, are more than ready for change. They are saying "No!" to fear and ignorance, "No!" to turning money matters over to someone else, and "Yes!" to financial empowerment.

Table of Contents

Part 1 – What Did I Learn

  • 1. What's The Matter With Me?
  • 2. How Did I Get This Way?
  • 3. Why Is Money So Hard For Me?
  • 4. No Matter What I Do, It Doesn't Work.

Part 2 – Unlearning The Learning

  • 5. No More!
  • 6. It's My Life. I Get To Decide.
  • 7. Someday Is Here.
  • 8. This Is A Budget?
  • 9. I'm In Charge. Yes, I Am.
  • 10. It's Working!